Train connections between Copenhagen and Odense were a bit confusing as part of the train were replaced with a bus, but luckily I started early in the morning and could reach the meeting place with my old penfriend in time. Suppose we met last time -66 or -67, so 50 years ago. We have been sitting in the garden enjoying sun and a glass of wine and going through our lives since that a lot had happened.
This Jylland is surprisingly hilly with forests and lakes. Summer is really here now. Will stay here two nights with the luxury of own room and towel. On the other hand sharing room with three ladies in Malmø went better than I expected and I could have a good night sleep although the first room mates were leaving at the dawn. In Odense I could buy seat tickets for my travel to Germany, so also the next couple of days are in order now. No pics this time as we could not find the password for wireless and have not acces to internet from my Ipad.
Moi Annikki! Mukava seurata sun matkaa blogin kautta 🙂
Tässä tuntemani paikallisliikennematkustajareitittimet Saksassa. Ehkä niistä jokin auttaa sinua organisoimaan –
Pølse hodari ja øl. Makkara on oranssia, rapeeks paistetut sipulit, ketsuppi, sinappi kuuluu settiin ja olut on IV-A:ta ja sitä kuuluisaa tanskalaista laatusettiä muttei ikinä Carlsbergiä, Tuborgit ja muut on keksitty. Doitnaomaman! Nordost-Niedersachsen and Süd-Niedersachsen probably the most likely to be of use. Niedersachsen it was right?
In Germany you do not easily get to internet in the trains. You need to buy that.
Akismetin aktivointi kuulemma eliminoi commentspämmin lähestulkoon kokonaan. Just tänään aktivoin sen omalle blogilleni, pitää seurata miten se suoriutuu.
Taalla syodaan terveellisesti ei polsia. Yhteydet oli paripaivaa poikki, kun olin ladatakseni puhelinta ottanut t
reitittimen topselin pois seinasta. Emanta vaitti ettei hanella olekaan reititinta, olekaan.
Love reading about your adventure!!! Enjoy every word of it.