Summer in the city, Stockholm

View from af Chapman hytten 7

I have always dreamed of overnighting at this sailing boat and here I am now. My cabin is with three bunkbeds but so far I am the only one here.

A new experience today was aqvarels of Lars Lerin at Liljewalchs museum. I did not know him beforehand but a friend, Liisa took me there. They look like photographs but in a pleasant careless way. Second target was lunch in Nordiska museet and third coffee at Fotografiska.

What was new in Stockholm:

1. Tram, a new shiny blue tram with a conductor to check your tickets

2. Rush of bikers, as the cycling routes are not so good long double queus of bikers were waiting the lights to change.

3. Slussen under construction. It was a bit difficult find your way among contemporary stairs and sidewalks.

You may wonder why I do not have more photos in this post. This wordpress only accepts photos smaller than 2 Mb, and I have not found a way to reduce the size with this phone. I do not have my big camera and computer with me this time.


Railing again

Now I am packing and the ferry leaves this afternoon taking me to Stockholm.  This time I am planning to make the Scandinavian tour by train. A seven day interrail ticket has been waiting in the drawer since last day of December. The  campaign for reduced price tickets ended then.

These beautiful shoes I decided to leave away anyway, although one party is waiting. Weather forecast has promised over 20  for at least  10 days, except in Trondheim archipelago. Do I need jeans or are shorts and a woolen sweater  enough etc and always you have too much. This is the dilemma of packing.

Living at Hurley and Ironwood

We stay in a motel by the highway 2, that crosses the whole US. This looks like the ones in American movies, you would expect to have a bottle of whisky with you.

Our motel by the highway no 2.

This area has strong history of mining and logging, but the mines are now shut down. Most probably this is where Trump did get his supporters when he promised to open the mines, but nothing has actually happened or will happen. Luckily our hosts did not believe in him.

Miners on a mural.
Miners and Lumberjacks in front of the depot, the former railway station. No trains to this area any more.

Except many Finns, other Scandinavian, Polish and Italian, who came here, the area has also population of Native Americans. They live in reservates and enjoy some priviledges like selling alcohol and cigarettes without taxes. They also have Casino.

And Hiawatha again with us.
Pasty was a nice lunch, we tasted the Finnish one, which was potatoes rutabaga ( lanttu) , carrots and meat inside a tasty cover. Miners used to have those for their lunch.
Finnish Pasty

Our hostess LeeAnn did show her art work and and gave demonstration of Taj Chi at her studio.

LeeAnn’s studio
Leeann’s art
Somebody brought that over the Ocean
LeeAnn has also several animals at home
Grandma Heikkila is preparing Moijakka for Pekka’s birthday.
And here is the hero with pecan pie and coffee. We could actually celebrate the birthday already evening of 30th as it was already May 1st in Finland.