Bilingual South Tyrol, Italy

We passed to Italian side through the Brenner pass. Along the whole way from Innsbruck you could enjoy great mountain sceneries. We overnighted in Bolzano Bozen, which is a bilingual town with German majority. There is even a third language Ladin. Somehow bilingual places fascinate me, Guten Morgen Buon Giorno was greeting you could hear everywhere.

The pompous railway station building was from the fascism time built 1928. The influence of Eliel Saarinen’s Helsinki Railway station was mentioned.

Bolzano is famous for the Archealogical museum, where 5000 years old mummy of iceman Ötzi is kept. He was found early nineties and studied since that.

We overnighted in a big old Villa that served as a home of family Piha. Half of the Villa was reserved for tourists

Eliel Saarinen’s Helsinki railwaystation inspirred Mazetti, architect of Bolzano station

Even the bell tower resembles that ofHelsinki station.
She found a place under the luggages in train
Villa Anita , was home for the family and guests.
Stairs up to the Rooma
Around the town a river and the mountains.

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