Checked the weather forecast for packing. Northern Europe will be cool.
Loaded Railplanner timetables to my phone
Should load Here maps of Hamburg, Berlin, Dresden, Heidelberg, etc
Do I need a new memory card to make sure to have enough memory for photos and all the needed apps.
Now when back at home it is time to look backwards and collect some tips especially for those of my age who are planning the Interrail.
Buying the IR ticket early and traveling before the high season gives price reductions. I did buy mine before the end of March and the trip had to be started before mid May. When buying the ticket you need to know what kind of ticket you wish, global or one country, how many traveling days during a certain time or a full month ticket. I bought it via Internet and the whole package with map and instructions arrived in a week. I would have saved a few Euros buying it directly from the counter, but the person whom I was dealing with at the counter seemed to know less than I did. The only reservation I bought before hand was the night train sleeping cabin from Madrid to Lisbon. I bought it from ACRPRail international and it also arrived in a few days. Otherwise I bought reservations and seat tickets a day before the journey at the station.
The number of seats in the second class are limited and at the same time you hear if there are some schedule changes or even strikes as it was in my case. The prices of seat tickets and reservations that I paid varied from 3- 9 Euros. Especially between Germany and France you had to buy the seats from different spots. I am not quite aware of the logics. In a small Station in Germany I could do the advance booking of tickets to Paris with no problem, but in Cologne to get the tickets to French Thalys I had to go outside the station and find a Thalys office.
I used the HI hostels, you need a membership card and you can make the reservation in advance. The quality is even and prices reasonable around 20 Euros/ night. Sheets were included and towels Canon be rented with a few Euros. I overnighted in the rooms for 4 females and it was peaceful enough for me. If the place was more crowded I used the silicon ear plugs.
Additionally you could buy the breakfast with 6 Euros. I was also welcomed by friends to stay at their homes which was very pleasant.
The proper frequency of traveling for me was to stay two nights in one place, so you had one whole day in one place to look around and get exercise as sitting in the train Too long does not feel good. I also limited my traveling to stretches of maximum 6-7 hours. There was very seldom proper meals served in the trains, just snacks and drinks, so it is good to have always some water and snacks with you.
It also surprised me that there were not free wifi connections in the trains in many countries. At the stations there were certain spots with wifi connections. To entertain myself in the train I had a Finnish crossword puzzle magazine and one paper back book, that I could leave on the way and get a new one from the hostel. They usually have a shelf for recycled books. When getting over the Finnish shyness it was easy to find new acquaintances in the train and get advice and help from the locals.
For me it was good to have only two packs to carry. A larger backpack and a smaller one which you could carry with you everywhere. I had minimum amount of clothes and I washed them three times during my trip. There are washing machines in the hostels and it is also easy to find laundries. On the other hand I was carrying three pairs of shoes, which was a good solution for me. I did not carry my camera, but was using the IPad for communication and taking pics, although the quality of pictures was not that good.
Allthough I was beforehand exited of travelling alone it was a good solution for me. You can make the decisions alone it was easy to find a place for one person and it was easier to meet new people. You can also easily keep contact with your loved ones using internet. You need to be alert, but at the same time you just need to listen to your own needs. Wish you all good luck who want to try it.
So this was the end of my journey. Have really enjoyed both the traveling and seeing friends, thank you Liisa in Stockholm, Birte in Silkeborg, Bernd, Christiane and Uwe in Wathlingen, Sanna and Saul in Madrid and Pirkko whom we will meet here in Lisbon.
Now I am waiting for my husband to arrive here in Lisbon, later in the evening.
Finally I hope I may have learned better meet and contact new people.
That was what I really did. I staid at my gooddaughter’s home, meeting her boyfriend for the first time. We had a really nice hiking trip on the mountains north of Madrid. The walk went through pine tree forests, roses (Kistus) blooming, reached a wild river flowing down from the mountains and followed that. Had our lunch on a granite stone. After sitting in the train that was good exercise and I enjoyed the sun.
Staying in a pension with mixed rooms. Two Finnish boys and a French lady and only one key.
Due to the train strike in France it did not go so smoothly today, but luckily I was so close to the Spanish border that using local buses and small private train I am now in Burgos. Here I realized that the youth hostel I had reserved was 100 km away from Burgos, but no problem I found a pension from the city center. So ready for the new adventures.
Yesterday in Biarritz was relaxing, did long walk through the forest to the Atlantic Coast and wandered along the coast for hours just listening to the sound of waves and feeling the breeze. I did carry my swimming suit, but the excuse not to swim was that nobody was looking after my bag. My sightseeing was a great aquarium. Enjoyed watching the life of fishes and other underwater life.
This traveling alone is a new experience for me, you have more time to think and digest what you have seen, you have the freedom to make your own decisions.on the other hand you have to be more alert and be responsible of yourself. In the Moomin world there is one character, who needs this solitude, Snusmumriken wanders alone, but joins the Moomin family every summer. Just like Snusmumriken I recognize my Finnish character, getting a bit confused when unknown people smile to me in the underground or restaurants, this kind of quick and light politeness. A normal Finn then usually starts looking out of the window even though it is a dark underground wall there. Maybe we learn.
But what have I done yesterday- Below are some unfortunately only IPad pics of the great cathedral in Chartres, an hour’s journey from Paris. It dates back to the 4th century, and the current church was built around 1230. Plenty of wealth was to be seen. Stained glass windows, statues and paintings, but at the same time in the posters there was strong message of being on the side of poor people and refugees. Hope it is real life, too. In a couple of days I will also see the cathedral of Burgos. I decided this time not to hurry to see Paris sights, and just had a dinner in a local bistro, close to the hostel, enjoyed looking at the life of local people. A man came into the bistro to show his small kitten and let the customers and bar tenders caress it. Not so hygienic, but sweet. But, soon heading to the Gare Montparnasse and jumping into Biarritz train. Luckily I could check the station yesterday and make my reservations as it was huge.
My original idea was to avoid big cities. However, now I am in Paris. Three reasons, weather forecasts, access to hostel and choosing the western route. Today’s trip was a bit of adventure, only small one that suited me. My friend Bernd drove me to Celle station and I managed train changes in Hannover, but the problems started in Mannheim as the train was 30 minutes late, so I did not reach the train to Paris, drove back north to Cologne and tried to reach Paris via Brussels.
However, the 2nd class seats were fully booked so I needed to buy a ticket to 1st class, what I did. If I were rich I would start traveling in 1st class trains. The service was like it was in air plains at early days. We were served first sandwiches with wine and coffee with cakes, after Brussels became a full dinner with meat, salad, potatoes, cheese, desert, coffee and wines again. From my co-traveler I did get a good hint of HERE maps, which work off line. With my IPad in my hand I managed to find this hostel.
So tomorrow I have a full day in Paris, what to do? Will it be Disney park or Cathetral in Chartre, which was recommendation of one co traveler who acted as a tour guide in France.
But the whole town is full of these traditional old houses and a castle. They say that some king of England was also King of Hannover area and that is why this wonderful town was not bombed.
You can buy the asparagus ready peeled directly from the farmers. Taste of fresh ones differs from the imported ones we get in Finland. That was our lunch.